Berita Toraja

Website wisata Toraja dan info lainnya tentang Tana Toraja dan Toraja Utara

Rabu, 10 Juli 2024

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Mekartoto | Mekar toto

Game online adalah permainan yang dimainkan melalui internet, baik secara individu maupun dalam kelompok. Berbeda dengan game offline yang dimainkan tanpa koneksi internet, game online memungkinkan interaksi antar pemain dari berbagai belahan dunia. Beberapa karakteristik umum dari game online meliputi: Mekartoto

Multiplayer: Sebagian besar game online dirancang untuk dimainkan bersama pemain lain (multiplayer), baik dalam tim atau sebagai lawan. Koneksi Internet: Untuk memainkannya, diperlukan koneksi internet yang stabil agar dapat terhubung dengan server game dan pemain lain.

Komunitas yang Besar: Game online sering kali memiliki komunitas besar yang terdiri dari pemain dari berbagai latar belakang dan tingkat keahlian. Beragam Genre: Ada berbagai genre game online, mulai dari permainan tembak-menembak (shooter), permainan peran (RPG), strategi, olahraga, hingga simulasi kehidupan.

Pengembangan Terus Menerus: Developer game secara teratur mengeluarkan pembaruan dan konten tambahan untuk menjaga keberlanjutan dan menarik minat pemain. Turnamen dan Kompetisi: Banyak game online mengadakan turnamen atau kompetisi dengan hadiah besar, yang menarik bagi para pemain yang kompetitif.

Sosial dan Interaktif: Selain bermain, game online sering kali menawarkan elemen sosial seperti chat, forum, atau fitur lain untuk berinteraksi dengan pemain lain. Game online telah menjadi fenomena global yang sangat populer, memungkinkan pemain untuk terlibat dalam pengalaman bermain yang lebih dinamis dan terhubung dengan komunitas yang luas. Mekar Toto

Senin, 01 Juli 2024

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Kartutoto | Kartu toto | Kartutoto login

Game online adalah permainan yang dimainkan melalui koneksi internet dengan pemain lain, baik secara individu maupun dalam tim. Kartutoto

Biasanya, game ini menawarkan berbagai genre seperti permainan aksi, strategi, RPG (peran), MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena), tembak-menembak, dan banyak lagi. Pemain dapat berinteraksi secara langsung dengan pemain lain dari seluruh dunia, baik dalam kompetisi kompetitif maupun kolaboratif. Kartu Toto

Game online sering kali memiliki komunitas yang kuat di sekitarnya, dan banyak dari mereka menawarkan pengalaman yang mendalam dan menarik bagi para pemainnya. Kartutoto Login

Jumat, 04 Maret 2022

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Situs Slot Online Terbaik di Indonesia Tahun 2022

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Kamis, 03 Februari 2022

Tari Ma’randing Toraja

Tari Ma’randing Toraja

Tari Ma’randing Toraja - Ma'randing penari (pa'randing) di lapangan upacara (rante) dari Kondongan, sebuah foto yang diambil pada tahun 1938 oleh Claire Holt. Pada pemakaman besar untuk orang-kasta yang lebih tinggi, tarian prajurit yang disebut ma'randing dilakukan, untuk menyambut para tamu. pakaian Para penari 'didasarkan pada pakaian prajurit tradisional dan persenjataan. Pada dasarnya, tarian ma'randing merupakan tarian patriotik atau tarian perang. Kata ma'randing berasal dari kata randing berarti untuk memuliakan sambil menari. Tarian ini diadakan untuk menunjukkan keahlian seseorang dalam menangani senjata militer, dan untuk memuji keberanian dan kekuatan almarhum selama hidupnya. Hal ini ditarikan oleh beberapa orang, masing-masing membawa perisai besar, pedang dan berbagai ornamen.

Setiap objek yang dikenakan oleh penari memiliki arti sendiri; perisai yang terbuat dari kulit kerbau (bulalang) merupakan simbol kekayaan karena hanya orang-orang mulia dan kaya mampu kerbau mereka sendiri; pedang (Doke, bulange la'bo ', la 'bo' pinai, Todolo la'bo ') menunjukkan kesiapan untuk memerangi datangnya dan, dengan demikian, mereka melambangkan keberanian. Helm yang terdiri dari tanduk kerbau (tanduk, dimaksudkan untuk menangkis pukulan) menjadi simbol maskulinitas dan keberanian.

Tarian ini memiliki empat gerakan pokok. Pada gerakan pertama, komandan berbalik untuk memeriksa anak buahnya dan senjata mereka - ini adalah simbol disiplin. Dalam gerakan kedua, lengan memegang perisai ditarik keluar dan perisai bergerak bolak-balik dan samping - sebuah simbol kewaspadaan. Kemudian kaki kanan diangkat sedikit dari tanah sementara tumit kanan terjebak ke dalam tanah - simbol ketekunan. Akhirnya penari bergerak tiga langkah mundur atau bergerak penari satu ke kiri dan yang lain ke kanan untuk melihat gerakan musuh di berbagai arah - juga merupakan simbol kewaspadaan. Selama tarian, para penari yang berteriak untuk mendorong satu sama lain selama pertarungan. Pengamat akan bergabung dan juga mulai berteriak. Ini berteriak (peongli) sering dapat didengar di Toraja dalam berbagai kesempatan.

Tarian ini dilakukan pada upacara pemakaman seorang anggota berani bangsawan lokal. Para penari juga menemani almarhum ke tempat peristirahatan terakhir itu. Makna asli dari tarian ini adalah untuk menjaga permusuhan jauh dari desa dan untuk melindungi gadis-gadis muda dari yang diculik oleh musuh-musuh dari desa-desa tetangga[]

Rabu, 05 Januari 2022

20 Trending Cultural and Historical Tours Destinasi  in Toraja

20 Trending Cultural and Historical Tours Destinasi in Toraja

20 Trending Cultural and Historical Tours Destinasi  in Toraja - Having completed the journey from Makassar to Toraja, it is time to get out and explore the magnificent sights and enjoy the vibrant culture of this unique region. Both Toraja Utara and Tana Toraja have so much to offer in terms of cultural attractions, rituals and stunning mountainous landscapes. Information about some of the best cultural attractions in Toraja is listed below, be it the singular burial sites or traditional Tongkonan villages. Each site is given a little background including its history, the Torajan customs they are rooted in, as well as some explanations regarding what to expect in each destination. The attractions are all listed alphabetically.

20 Trending Cultural and Historical Tours Destinasi  in Toraja

1.Buntu Pune (Traditional Tongkonan Complex)

Three kilometres south of Rantepao lies a complex of magnificent traditional Tongkonan called Buntu Pune, complete with five lumbung (granaries) and an open ceremonial ground (Rante karassik). These striking buildings date back to the nineteenth century and are known to have been built by Siambe’ Pong Maramba’, a nobleman who was head of the district in the 1880s, under Dutch colonial rule. When it was discovered that Pong Maramba’ was planning a rebellion against the Dutch, the leader was exiled to Maluku (the Moluccas), but his descendants continued to live in the area and even became important coffee growers in the region. When he died, his body was taken back to Toraja and buried in a cliff not far from Buntu Pune. In the cliffs behind the Tongkonan and lumbung, you will find the graves of Pong Maramba’s family. This burial site also offers some of the best views of Buntu Pune. To get to this site, turn onto Jl. Ke’te’ Kesu’ at the three-way intersection marked by the Tedong bonga statue and follow the road until you will see a sign for Buntu Pune on the right-hand side of the road. After exploring the Tongkonan, Patane and view of Toraja Utara from the top of the cliff, continue on your way down Jl. Ke’te’ Kesu’ until you reach the famed traditional Tongkonan complex of Ke’te Kesu’. Jl. Ke’te’ Kesu’, Ba’tan Tondok Kesu’, Toraja Utara Entrance Fee Free

2.Galugu Dua (Traditional Tongkonan, Tenun)

Galugu Dua is a family settlement located in Sa’dan Sangkombong, in the Sa’dan sub-district of Toraja Utara. This Tongkonan complex contains what is considered to be the oldest Tongkonan in Sa’dan, originally built around 1189 by two sons from the Galugu family. This Tongkonan was a Tongkonan Layuk, meaning that it functioned as a centre of government, religion and culture. The village that built up around the Tongkonan was subsequently named Galugu Dua (meaning two Galugus), in honour of the sons. The village consists of Tongkonan with their original bamboo roofs covered in lush green plants. Like the village of Sa’dan To’Barana’, Galugu Dua has a group of local tenun cloth weavers whose products are available for purchase as souvenirs. Spend your time wandering around the Tongkonan and chatting with the local weavers as they work. They are happy to answer your questions about the process of weaving ikat and other types of Torajan tenun. Lembang Galugu Dua, Sangkombong, Sa’dan Malimbong Sa’dan, Toraja Utara Entrance Fee Rp 30,000

3.Ke’te’ Kesu’ (Traditional Tongkonan Village)

Ke’te’ Kesu’ is a traditional village in the Kesu’ sub-district of Toraja Utara that preserves the ancient traditions and culture of Toraja. The village is located to the south of Rantepao. Ke’te’ Kesu’ is one of the region’s oldest and most-visited traditional villages. The first things you will see are the impressive rows of rice barns (lumbung) and great Tongkonan, proudly showing off the buffalo horns of past sacrifices. On the path towards the cliff burial site behind the Tongkonan, residents of the village sell handicrafts, from bags and jewellery to wooden handicrafts such. Ke’te’ Kesu as traditional knives and decorative mini Tau Tau. At the end of the path, you will see a large cement tomb that belonged to a charismatic politician, church behind the Tongkonan, residents of the village sell handicrafts, from bags and jewellery to wooden handicrafts such as traditional knives and decorative mini Tau Tau. At the end of the path, you will see a large cement tomb that belonged to a charismatic politician, church leader and leader of the Tongkonan who died in 1986, FK Sarungallo, as well as other mausoleums (Patane) belonging to other family members. Beyond the Patane and their life-sized Tau Tau, climb the stairs to where hanging graves and burial cliffs can be seen with their ancient carved coffins and bones. If you walk up to the peak of the stairway, you will end up in a cave tomb where there usually is a guide with a lamp waiting for guests. In Toraja’s colonial past, this Tongkonan village was located on top of a mountain in Buntu Kesu’, in the village of Tonga. The location where the Tongkonan and lumbung were situated was called Pamulungan, as was the cliff burial site nearby. However, an agreement was made in 1922 between the residents of this Tongkonan complex, under the leadership of Pong Panimba, and the Dutch colonists that to improve communication the village needed to be moved closer to the main road. Pong Panimba was the second district head of Kesu’ (Parengnge’ Kesu’) who succeeded Pong Maramba’. After the move, the village became the  centre of the Dutch government at the time. The area around the Tongkonan and lumbung was then given the name “Ke’te’”, taken from the name of the rice fields directly in front of the village. The name derives from the Torajan word “dika’ta” which means “to cut with a sickle.” “Kesu’” refers to the district of Kesu’ where the Tongkonan were moved to. The burial site complete with erong (coffins) at the new site kept the name Pamulungan. The kingdom in Kesu’ ended with the death of Puang (King) Tandi Lolo’ who died in the 1960s. However, the descendants of kings and nobility still live in the region today. Historical objects of the Kesu’ kingdom are preserved in a Tongkonan which today is used as a museum at the far right of the complex. The village of Ke’te’ Kesu’ became a tourist attraction in the 1970s due to an agreement between the government and the villagers which stipulated that the Tongkonan were to be preserved and used as tourist attractions, meaning that the original owners would have to live elsewhere. As a result, this region gets a lot of help from the government, either local or provincial, or directly from the Ministry of Tourism. Jl. Ke’te’ Kesu’, Pantanakan Lolo Kesu’, Toraja Utara Entrance Fee Rp 30,000

4.Kolam Makale (Statue and Pond)

Kolam Makale refers to the statue of a local hero named Lakipadada situated within a pool of water located in the heart of Makale. This pond and its resident statue were built and officially opened by Vice President H. Muhammad Jusuf Kalla on October 28, 2006. In addition to being a monument to the ancestral history and victories of the people of Tana Toraja, benches are located at strategic locations around the pond in addition to a footpath that is often used as a place for a leisurely stroll or jog. There are also spaces nearby where fitness activities are held by schools in the morning. Between Jl. Merdeka, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman and Jl. Veteran Makale, Tana Toraja Entrance Fee Free

5.Papa’ Batu Tumakke (Stone Roof Tongkonan)

Papa’ Batu is the name of the Tongkonan located in Lembang Tumakke in the Rembon sub-district of Tana Toraja. The house was founded around seven hundred years ago by a man named Butu Batu. What differentiates it from other Tongkonan houses is that its roof is made of andesite and padas stones, lending it a unique and majestic appearance. Stone in Indonesian is batu. Appropriately, this is the only known Tongkonan remaining with a roof of stone. Due to high building costs for materials and construction, only the most affluent people could have built this one-of-a-kind home. Papa’ Batu’s unusual roof is made of square-shaped pieces of stone with two holes cut on top, on the left and right, which are used for tying the tiles onto the frame of the roof using tough rattan. The top of the roof, where the stones laid on the right and left of the roof meet, is covered with bamboo to prevent rain falling into the building. The people who built this roof did not have access to modern measuring tools such as a ruler. Instead, they used an adult hand to calculate the average width of each stone, equivalent to 40 to 50 centimetres, a length of 30 to 60 centimetres and a thickness of five to seven centimetres. Each piece of stone allegedly weighs ten kilograms, and with the total number of stones on the roof amounting to about 1000 pieces, the total weight of the roof is a whopping ten tons. Like other Tongkonan houses, the body of Papa’ Batu Tumakke is built of wood and carved with various traditional patterns in accordance to Aluk Todolo. These patterns include motifs of the sun, buffaloes and other geometric shapes. For further explanation of Torajan carving patterns and motifs, see the section labelled Carving under the heading Local Products. The Papa’ Batu Tongkonan is considered sacred by the people of the region. No one can enter its doors without permission, other than the founder’s descendants. Guests or visitors must first knock on the door of the Tongkonan three times before entering. However, another interesting aspect to this process is that you must knock three times on the doorframe with your head, inBelow: One of a kind Tongkonan with a stone roof, Papa’ Batu stead of with your hands. Local legend claims that if you do not knock thrice with your head, you will experience an accident or fall sick on their way home. Recently, however, this Tongkonan has been closed to visitors wanting to enter the house. Papa’ Batu Tumakke has undergone a few renovations over the years to keep it safe and standing. The house is no longer a home, but it is a historical object for the descendants of the original owner to maintain and a marvel of human ingenuity to guests. In addition to the Tongkonan, there are craftsmen located nearby who carve traditional Torajan motifs and patterns onto buffalo bones available to bring home as souvenirs. Lembang  Banga’ Rembon, Tana Toraja Entrance Fee Rp 20,000.

6.Pasar Bolu (Livestock Market)

Just north of the town of Rantepao in Toraja Utara, a traditional livestock market called Bolu draws crowds from all over Toraja every Tuesday and Saturday. The regular market, or pasar, located a five-minute walk away sells daily supplies such as fruit, vegetables and fish in addition to Torajan coffee, regional spices, local chillies (katokkon and lada barra’) and snacks. Meanwhile, Pasar Bolu is dominated by hundreds of buffaloes and large pigs up for sale. People from all over Toraja come to bring their livestock to sell or purchase some for a ceremony. Buffaloes (tedong in Basa Toraja) are the main attraction due to their significance in many Torajan customs. The prices for these buffaloes range from the lowest prices, meaning several hundred-thousand rupiah, to upwards of Rp 10,000,000. Sometimes the price may be even more for the prized Tedong saleko and Tedong bonga (types of albino buffaloes). Tedong saleko are the most expensive albino buffaloes and are signified by their colouring. They have a base of white (or light pink) colour with black spots, ivory-coloured horns and white or light blue eyes. Tedong bonga, on the other hand, have a base of black with white or light pink A man and his beloved water buffalo Torajan man sells his albino buffalo at Pasar. Jl. Poros Rantepao – Palopo, Tallunglipu Matalo Tallunglipu, Toraja Utara Entrance Fee Rp 30,000.

7.Patung Yesus Buntu Burake

The villages of Lea and Limbong as well as the hamlet Buntu Burake surround the karst hill also named Buntu Burake. The word “burake” means “fallen fruit seeds” while “buntu” means “hill.” Located on top of Buntu Burake is a large statue of Jesus overlooking the city of Makale, Tana Toraja. After a short four-kilometre drive from Makale along winding mountain roads, park your vehicle and walk up the cement steps past souvenir kiosks to get a beautiful view of Makale and its surrounding landscapes. This statue is 40 metres high (131 feet) and at its base, offers a rest area and walkway where visitors can enjoy the breeze and sweeping views of Toraja. This statue strives to rival the Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Jainero, Brazil. However, instead of being the tallest statue of Christ in the world, it is, in fact, a statue of Jesus located at the highest elevation. Bukit Buntu Burake, Buntu Burake Makale, Tana Toraja Entrance Fee Small Donation

8.Sa’dan To’barana’ (Tongkonan and Ikat Weaving)

Located 16 kilometres north of Rantepao, Sa’dan To’barana’ is a village in the Sa’dan sub-district of Malimbong. On the way to this village, you will encounter enchanting scenery surrounding the winding Sa’dan River. This region boasts Tongkonan and lumbung originally owned by the nobleman Langi’ Para’pak. Sa’dan To’Barana’ today is a weaving village well known for its weaving handicrafts or tenun. The craftswomen and men still use traditional tools made from wood and bamboo to weave and tie these colourful cloths. In this village, weaving and tying traditional textiles is an activity passed down for generations. string or thread used in the fabric is created from natural materials such as bark or cotton and is hand-spun into yarn. The yarn is dyed with natural ingredients, including a mixture of betel nuts and ginger roots to produce a red colour, bilante leaves or mud to produce a black colour, and tarun leaves or indigo to produce a blue colour. White is one of the fundamental colours used in tenun and is generated from cotton flowers. When walking through Sa’dan, you will find shops at the back of the Tongkonan that sell various tenun, but only some are handmade. You may also see women tying an ikat cloth with a variety of motifs in front of the Tongkonan who are happy to tell you about the different cloths and patterns as well as what occasions the cloths are worn. They may even let you sit at their looms to take a picture to bring home! For more information about specific patterns used in these textiles as well as the differences in the types of cloth created in Toraja, see Tenun under the heading Local Products. Even the Sa’dan To’barana’ Sa’dan To’barana’, Sa’dan Malimbong Sa’dan, Toraja Utara Entrance Fee Rp 30,000

9.Salib Bukit Singki’

Built and completed in time for the 2016 iteration of Lovely December in Toraja (an event that occurs annually), the large cross facing the city of Rantepao proclaims the name “Toraja Utara” underneath it. To get up to the cross with its panoramic views of Rantepao, climb the cement stairs leading all the way up. Once atop the hill, there is a building from where you can shade yourself from the Torajan sun while still enjoying beautiful views of the surrounding region out of the glass windows. Bukit Singki’, Mentirotiku Rantepao, Toraja Utara Entrance Fee Small Donation

10.Tongkonan Karuaya

The Tongkonan Karuaya lower complex is located in the village of Tumbang Datu and is made up of three Tongkonan and nine lumbung (rice granaries). Historically, this Tongkonan complex was considered part of the cultural village of Tumbang Datu Bebo’ and Karuaya was part of the southern complex. Today, the main Tongkonan is named Tongkonan Sura’ and a plaque with a list of the names of family members belonging to this Tongkonan is hung outside for visitors to read. In addition to the Tongkonan and lumbung, there is also a wide grassy field (rante) used during a Rambu Solo’. Legend has it that during the time before the arrival of the Dutch, the village of Rangngi was under attack from a rival village. However, the people of Rangngi were victorious due to their magical abilities and eight prisoners were selected, executed and their bodies buried by the Tongkonan. The skeletons and skulls of these eight people also have myths surrounding them that are still told in the village today. Tongkonan Karuaya Tumbang Datu, Bebo’ Sangalla’ Utara, Tana Toraja Entrance Fee Free.

11. Ne’Gandeng (Tongkonan Museum)

This museum is made up of a vast complex of Tongkonan, Tongkonan-style buildings and lumbung that all surround a rante (wide grassy field) and several simbuang stones. In addition to housing several traditional instruments and items that are integral to Torajan culture, visitors are able to stay over in one of the Tongkonan. Large rice fields surround the museum, making the drive towards the complex as enjoyable as touring the museum itself. Yayasan Ne’Gandeng Jl. Museum Ne’Gandeng No 1, Lembang Malakiri Balusu, Toraja Utara Entrance Fee Rp 30,000

12.Bori’ Kalimbuang

(Burial Site, Megalithic Stone Complex) Bori’ Kalimbuang, also known as Kompleks Megalit Kalimbuang Bori’, is a traditional burial site located in the village of Bori’ in the Sesean sub-district of Toraja Utara. The descendants of a nobleman named Ne’Ramba’ first established this burial site in 1718. The central area of this cemetery is called rante, a vast field that also serves as a venue for funerals. The Tongkonan surround Batu Simbuang (megalithic stones) the monolithic stones, boulder tombs, and baby graves in Bori’ Kalimbuang Graves in Caves, Cliffs and Trees Unlike in other regions of Indonesia, Torajans have unique burial customs that include the interment of family and friends in cliffs, caves and trees. See below for further explanations of burial sites around Toraja open to visitors. Since the 1980s, many tourists have visited this area. Most tourists are attracted by the numerous large menhirs (monolithic standing stones, called simbuang by Torajan people) that stand around the rante. Simbuang stones are not used by just anyone in Torajan society, only those of the royal line and those who can afford to sacrifice twenty-four buffaloes to celebrate a family member’s death. During a funeral ceremony (Rambu Solo’), a simbuang serves as a place to tie buffaloes to before they are sacrificed and is another signifier of a family’s wealth and social status. In addition to a megalithic stone complex, this location also holds several types of graves such as stone tombs (liang batu), mausoleums (Patane) and baby graves (Passilliran). In addition to the cultural remnants of ancient Torajan traditions found at this site, Bori’ is also surrounded by abundant rice fields and verdant vegetation. Bori’ Kalimbuang Desa Bori’ Sesean, Toraja Utara Entrance Fee Rp 30,000

13.Kambira (Baby Graves)

Kambira is located in the Sangalla’ region of Tana Toraja and is around nine kilometres to the east of Makale. In the past, trees in Kambira were used as living graves for babies who died, named Passilliran. According to the ancestral Torajan belief system of Aluk Todolo, if a baby who has not gotten its first teeth has died, it is considered to still be pure and therefore cannot be buried in the ground or interred in a cliff. Instead, these babies must be placed in trees. During the ritual of entombing a baby in a tree (Massilli’), a pig owned by the baby’s parents is sacrificed and then the meat is cooked inside bamboo (dipiong). The meat cannot be seasoned with salt, it cannot be brought to the parents’ house and the baby’s entire family must eat the meat. The trees used for this type of burial included tarra’, sipate and lamba’ trees chosen due to the white sap they emit. According to Torajan ancestors who practised this type of burial, the white sap represented a mother’s milk. The babies were placed upright within the tree and then closed in with natural products such as bark and betel nut. Ancient Torajans also believed that the baby’s soul could reach heaven quicker, only if the steps listed above were followed. Today, babies are no longer buried within living trees in Toraja, except in a few specific villages whose villagers still follow Alukta. Baby graves like Kambira have become cultural sites for visitors to see the remnants of ancient Aluk Todolo customs in person. Kambira Tongko Sarapung Sangalla’, Tana Toraja Entrance Fee Rp 20,000

14.Landan Kote, Lion Tondok Iring

(Baby Graves) Lion Tondok Iring is another burial site in Sangalla’ where babies used to be interred in trees after their death. The story of this site is very similar to Kambira. The same types of trees (tarra’ and sipate) were chosen as a final resting place for babies who had not yet gotten their first teeth, due to the great amount of white sap in the trees, which symbolised breast milk. Compared to Kambira, there were only ten babies buried in the trees in Lion Tondok Iring. Landan Kote, Lion Tondok Iring Lion Tondok Iring Makale Utara, Tana Toraja Entrance Fee Small Donation.

15.Lemo (Cliff Burial Site)

Located about seven kilometres from both Makale and Rantepao, one of the main attractions in Toraja are the burial chambers of Lemo, in the area of Lembang Buntang. Lemo opened to tourists interested in Torajan culture in the 1980s. It is a burial site comprised of a commanding karst cliff that blends beautifully with the surrounding vegetation and rice fields. The name “Lemo” is derived from the fruit limo or limau, found in this area. It is said that the name, which means a type of orange, refers to the resemblance of the large, circular cliff to an orange, with the burial chambers resembling the seeds hidden within the fruit. Tau Tau in Lemo are as striking as the burial chambers they protect The burial site is estimated to date back to the sixteenth century, specially made for the families of past leaders and noblemen living in the surrounding Torajan communities. The Tau Tau in Lemo are different from the life-like statues you will see in places like Londa. These Tau Tau are less realistic, but no less striking, wrapped in bright orange or yellow cloths and are believed to be guarding the people interred in the cliff behind them. Each square carved out of the cliff and closed with a carved wooden door is the entrance of a tomb, each belonging to one family. Each chamber takes months to carve out, therefore making this process very expensive. This fact denotes the wealth of the family that was and is able to afford to place their deceased family member in this grave. Arriving at the site, you will see a large parking space and a row of souvenir shops selling local merchandise such as necklaces, T-shirts and local tenun. There are also several Tau Tau craftsmen who have sold these figurines at this site for generations. These shops sell vibrantly clothed Tau Tau in myriad sizes with some stores even offering special-order Tau Tau in any shape or size. The prices for a Tau Tau starts from around Rp 30,000 for smaller sizes to about Rp 3,000,000 for the life-sized figures. Jl. Poros Makale–Rantepao Makale Utara, Tana Toraja Entrance Fee Rp 20,000

16.Lo’ko’ Mata (Boulder Burial Site)

Lo’ko’ Mata is a cliff tomb located in the village of Pangden, in the sub-district of Sesean, about 30 minutes up the hills of Batutumonga. This burial site is a natural phenomenon: an enormous and ancient boulder with several burial chamber openings carved into its face. There are more than twenty burial chambers carved out of the rock, with one tomb used to hold the bodies of several generations of one family. Simple bamboo ladders are used to place the coffins and bodies within these chambers and the higher the burial chamber, the higher the status of the family that owns it. There are a few stories behind the name Lo’ko’ Mata, with some saying it has the meaning of “human head” or “eye holes.” For the locals in the area, the appearance of the massive rock with chambers dotted across it closely resembles a human head with dozens of eyes. The sheer size of the mass burial site itself, its location among terraced rice paddies and Tongkonan complexes, as well as the cool, windy weather of this area of Sesean makes this a frequently visited site by tourists. Visitors are allowed as go as close as they like to the tombs, although picking up or moving any objects you see on the ground or around the chamber is considered disrespectful. It is also important to note that items that may look like trash, such as cigarette packs, food and old flowers, are in fact offerings to the dead. Once you have had your fill of marvelling at the base of this imposing boulder, walk along the river away from the road and take the stairs leading up to an open area. From this vantage point, you can get a closer look at the tombs at the top of the boulder as well as the nearby rice fields and Patane (mausoleums). If you happen to visit Lo’ko’ Mata in the morning, the giant rock may be wrapped in fog, lending an even more serene and enchanting atmosphere to this burial site. A visit closer to mid-day or in the late afternoon allows visitors an unmarred view of the surrounding locale with its terraced rice fields dotted with boulders of various shapes and sizes. The burial chambers in Lo’ko’ Mata are still used by families today One of the first sights you see in Londa are the suspended coffins and Tau Tau on the cliff face On the drive down from Lo’ko’ Mata, keep an eye out for other, albeit smaller, boulders on the left- and right-hand sides of the road that may also serve as tombs for generations of local families. Lo’ko’ Mata Jl. Poros, To’Nangka Sesean, Toraja Utara Entrance Fee Rp 30,000.

17.Londa (Cave and Cliff Burial Site)

Londa, the name of the cave tombs located in Lembang Tadongkon, Kesu’ sub-district, also encompasses an area of vast rice fields, caves and majestic cliffs in the Toraja Utara Regency. Historically, the caves were used as a residential area while the karst cliffs were used as a burial site (liang) by Torajans with the surname Tolengke’. Over time, the cave was also used as a graveyard, by putting bodies in a wooden coffin named erong, which were then suspended on wooden posts in front of the caves in order not to be eaten by wild animals. This area was opened as a tourist attraction in 1972, with the caves as the main attraction, which contain numerous skulls, bones and coffins. Once at the entrance of the site, local guides carrying gaslights will take you down to the caves and elucidate the history of the location. The price for a gaslight is Rp 50,000, and the fee for a guide is negotiable. From the entrance of the site, you will get a panorama of a rice field at the foot of a large cliff face dotted with graves, coffins and massive hanging vines. Approaching the cliff by walking down the stone steps, you will begin to see skulls, bones, hanging coffins and large Tau Tau with more detail. In front of the cave, the large and life-like Tau Tau greet you as they guard the caves, dressed in fine clothing and some even wearing glasses. Continue following the path leading into the cave down to the right. Within the cave, the eerie sight of skulls and bones placed in various nooks and crannies is balanced with the beauty of the natural cave walls. As you continue into the cave, you will not only see bones, but also coffins in varying stages of disintegration and towards the back of this cave, your guide will lead you to two skulls placed side by side on the ground. You will undoubtedly be told the story of a couple in love who wanted to get married but didn’t receive the blessing of their families because they were first cousins. As a result, the two lovers committed suicide, as they believed they could at least be together in the afterlife. After their death, their families agreed to place them side-by-side in the cave. Visitors often refer to this story as the Torajan version of Romeo and Juliet. You are then given the option to crawl through a tunnel to the next cave, about 25 metres away, or walk out and around to the entrance of the second cave to the left of the cliff face. In this smaller cave, there are more skulls and bones placed in the many crevices of the cave. After you’ve explored both caves, there is a pathway leading you in a circle, away from the cliff, where there is a viewpoint with an impressive sight of the entire cliff, the ricefield and the suspended coffins at the front of the bluff. This will also lead you past some souvenir shops, where you can purchase miniature Tongkonan, bags, shirts and more to have as mementoes. Londa, Desa Sendan Uai Sanggalangi’, Toraja Utara Entrance Fee Rp 30,000

18.Sirope’ (Cliff Burial Site)

Sirope’ is located in Makale Utara (North Makale), about one kilometre from the main road. This limestone cliff burial site houses erong (coffins) and some Tau Tau statues. This grave belongs to a high-class family in the region of Lion and Tondok Iring. There is a trail up to the top of the grave that offers a beautiful view of the surrounding landscape. The history of this site goes back to the creation of the village Lion Tondok Iring. As the legend goes, this area was first visited by Puang Batan di Lomben, followed by the arrival of Puang Tarangenge who built a Tongkonan at the top of the mountain Kambio Langi’. The people in this region used to bury deceased family members in the ground until realising that this affected plants and animals in the surrounding vicinity. When searching for a reason for why the land was negatively affecting plants and animals around these cemeteries were dying, people came to the conclusion that the earth was angry and therefore the deceased could no longer be buried in the ground. As a result, these villagers spread out in search of caves and cliffs to inter the deceased. They met again in Sirope’, which got its name from this meeting which in Basa Toraja is “sirompa’” or the meeting of several villages. From this point forward, these villagers began to place family members in cave and cliff graves such as Sirope’.Sirope’ Lion Tondok Iring Makale Utara, Tana Toraja Entrance Fee Rp 20,000.

19.Suaya (Cliff Burial Site)

The cliff cemetery of Suaya is located around nine kilometres to the east of Makale in the sub-district of Sangalla’, boasting several burial chambers and Tau Tau. In addition to the burial chambers, visitors will also find several Patane, each brick mausoleum housing several generations of a local family. This cliff burial site was built for Puang Tamboro Langi’ and his descendants and therefore only descendants of Sangalla’ royal bloodline are allowed to be interred here. Situated near the stairs at Suaya is a stone that, according to local lore, cannot be moved or touched. If a person were to touch the stone, it is claimed that the person will suddenly faint (known as kasalla). Suaya Lembang Bulian Massabu Sangalla’, Tana Toraja Entrance Fee Rp 20,000

20.Tampang Allo (Cave Burial Site)

Tampang Allo is a burial site with suspended coffins and graves carved into a cliff face as well as a natural cave that houses further coffins in Sangalla’, Tana Toraja, about 30 minutes east of Makale. Once inside the cave, a cool and otherworldly atmosphere will leave you curious to go deeper into the cave. The cave consists of erong (coffins), several Tau Tau and numerous skulls and skeletons scattered and piled around the area. The opening of the cave is rather hidden, but signposts have been put up to make it easier for visitors to navigate. You will be directed down a road past rice fields until you reach a sign for the cave on the right-hand side of the road. Then cross a narrow river on a small bamboo bridge to reach the entrance to this cave burial site. A well-known story recounted by locals in the area is that one of the kings of Sangalla’ named Puang Manturino and his family are buried in Tampang Allo. As the legend goes, Puang Manturino himself and his wife, Puang Rangga Bulaan, chose Tampang Allo as the place where they wanted to be interred after death. When Puang Rangga Bulaan died, her body was placed in the cave in Tampang Allo. However, when Puang Manturino died, his body was buried in a different area called Losso’. One day, the body of Puang Manturino disappeared and was later allegedly found within the cave of Tampang Allo. This story, as well as the natural beauty of the area and the cave itself, is sure to excite the interest of many cultural travellers from around Indonesia and the world. Tampang Allo, Kaero Sangalla’, Tana Toraja Entrance Fee Rp 20,000.[bt]

How to take a bus from Makassar to Toraja

How to take a bus from Makassar to Toraja

How to take a bus from Makassar to Toraja - Buses are the most common and reliable means of transportation to traverse the 300 kilometres from Makassar to Toraja. There are several bus operators running between the two regions and the buses themselves are usually comfortable, rather spacious and quite affordable.

The ticket price per person for a one-way trip starts from Rp 140,000 for an air-conditioned bus and between Rp 220,000 to Rp 250,000 for the increasingly popular sleeper bus. For a bus complete with massaging seats, the price starts around Rp 400,000. Most buses travel from Makassar to the towns of Makale in Tana Toraja and Rantepao in Toraja Utara, with some buses continuing to the city of Palopo in the Luwu Regency. One thing to note about the buses is that they often offer various “classes” of bus, from Business to Executive (sometimes written as “Executif ”) classes. This will affect ticket price, level of comfort and type of amenities offered to the passenger.

Each bus operator has its own head office in Makassar where passengers can leave their luggage to be stored in the respective buses they will take up to Toraja. From the head office, passengers are then transported to Terminal Daya (Regional Power Terminal Makassar: Jl. Kapasa Raya, Daya, BiringKanaya, Makassar), usually in a small mini-van, from where they will wait for their bus to arrive. It is recommended to keep an eye out for the names emblazoned on the buses as announcements for their arrival are in Bahasa Indonesia and also come infrequently.

There are usually two schedules offered for most buses, leaving either during the day or at night, including sleeper buses with fully reclining seats. During the day, passengers can spend the eight- to nine-hour drive by alternating between watching the changing landscape with its rice paddies and houses or napping. Passengers taking a night bus may recline in their seats, snuggle up in the provided blankets and be lulled to sleep as the bus winds its way up to Toraja. The night bus arrives in Makale and Rantepao the next morning while the day bus arrives the same day, sometime in the late afternoon or early evening.

Bus tickets can be bought directly from bus operators’ offices at Terminal Daya or at individual bus head offices around Makassar. Additionally, most hotels and guesthouses in Toraja are able to book bus tickets for you on request. To get a taxi to either the head office (perwakilan) or the main bus station, Terminal Daya, from Makassar Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport, use the touchscreen computers by the baggage-claim exit doors. Some recommended taxi companies include Bosowa and Taxi Putra.

PO. Primadona

email: | website: Makassar Makale, Tana Toraja Rantepao, Toraja Utara Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan KM 13 Kompleks Ruko Bukit Khatulistiwa Blok B No 8, Makassar. Jl. Pelita No 12 Makale, Tana Toraja. Jl. Diponegoro No 4 Rantepao, Toraja Utara Tel. +62 411 4772290 Tel. +62 811 4497211 Tel. +62 811 4497210


Email. | Website. Makassar Makale, Tana Toraja Rantepao, Toraja Utara Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Ruko HCC Blok A No 1 Makassar. Jl. Nusantara No 4 Makale, Tana Toraja. Jl. Mappanyuki No 63 Rantepao, Toraja Utara Tel. + 62 813 48117657 Tel. +62 813 48117670 Tel. +62 813 48117680

PO Bus Litha & Co

Makassar Makale, Tana Toraja Rantepao, Toraja Utara, JJl. Gunung Merapi No. 135 Makassar, Jl. Pelita 97 Makale, Tana Toraja, Jl. Pahlawan Rantepao, Toraja Utara Tel. +62 411 324847  +62 411 331155  +62 411 311055 Tel. +62 423 22009 Tel. +62 423 21204

PO Manggala Trans

Makassar Makale, Tana Toraja Rantepao, Toraja Utara. Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan KM 8 Ruko Puri Kencana Sari Makassar, Jl. Merdeka No 6 Makale, Tana Toraja, Jl. Mappanyukki No 15 Rantepao, Toraja Utara Tel. +62 411 582088  +62 852 55543434 Tel. +62 423 22190  +62 852 556568 Tel. +62 423 21237  +62 852 14605304

PO Metro Permai

Makassar Makale, Tana Toraja Rantepao, Toraja Utara, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Ruko Tello (in front of Mtos Mall), Makassar Jl. Ichwan No 122 Makale, Tana Toraja, Jl. Mappanyukki No 15 Rantepao, Toraja Utara Tel. +62 411 582734  +62 411 584015  +62 813 42610049= Tel. +62 423 22104 Tel. +62 423 21785

Bintang Prima

Makassar Makale, Tana Toraja Rantepao, Toraja Utara, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Ruko Tello No 22 Makassar. Jl. Ichwan No 108 Makale, Tana Toraja Jl. Ahmad Yani No 100 Rantepao, Toraja Utara Tel. +62 411 4772888 Tel. +62 423 22797 Tel. +62 423 21142  +62 852 42878266  +62 852 40437337


Funeral Ceremony Rambu Solo’ Toraja

Funeral Ceremony Rambu Solo’ Toraja

Funeral Ceremony Rambu Solo’ Toraja - The striking sight of men and women in black, walking in pairs to the beat of kettle gongs to designated seating areas in recently constructed bamboo shelters (lantang or alang) signifies that a Rambu Solo’ is underway. According to the ancient customs of Alukta, Torajan ceremonies divide into two halves: smoke-rising and smoke-descending. As Rambu Solo’ is a celebration of death, it is considered one of the latter. The events for a three-night ceremony that may be held by a high-class family are detailed below.

On the first day, the deceased’s family members will conduct an Aluk Pia ceremony, gathering around a field or open area (rante) where bamboo shelters (lantang) have been built especially for the occasion. Then buffaloes are sacrificed, and the meat is distributed amongst the attendees. After cooking and eating together, more buffaloes may be sacrificed and songs are sung to praise the deceased (Ma’londe) or to express grief (Ma’badong).

This latter song is performed by a small to large circle of men who sing for the deceased with linked hands, swinging arms and sideto-side movements. On the second day, the main ceremony occurs (Dialuk Tangan or Dipadakkuan Api), and family members and neighbours begin to arrive with sacrificial pigs in hand, sometimes even buffaloes. The number and size of the pigs brought by each guest is listed down as these animals are not only gifts, but they represent debts that the family of the deceased may owe to the guests if they hold Rambu Solo’ of their own. The pigs are then sacrificed and cooked on the spot, after which their meat is distributed once again among the guests. That night, more songs of lamentation fill the air of the ceremonial grounds.

On the third or the last day, the family members prepare the deceased and carry him or her to the grave (Ma’te Liang). More buffaloes are sacrificed and the meat distributed. It is interesting to note that here again social class plays a role as the guests’ status determines the amount of meat they receive. A Rambu Solo’ ceremony is held in the afternoon and on the west side of a Tongkonan, due to this direction’s association with death within the philosophies of Aluk Todolo.

Three days after being placed inside a burial chamber, in some of the southern regions of Toraja, the deceased’s immediate family holds another ritual called Masolan Bombo that lasts from midnight until dawn. During this ritual, the family members may not speak and only the sound of a flute (suling) breaks the stillness of the night (called Pasuling Bombo). This ritual is held to accompany the deceased’s soul (Bombo) on its journey to Puya. A visit to Toraja is arguably incomplete if you haven’t attended and observed this unique funeral ceremony. Wearing black clothes is required, particularly a shirt covering the shoulders and a lower body garment covering up to the knees. Additionally, a man can put on a sarong and a woman can put on a stole or shawl. Donations are recommended, as they are a sign of respect to the bereaved family. Make sure to ask for permission before taking photographs or recording videos.[bt]